Zooming to Success with Beth & Pip Black

Team, I’d like to take a moment to share a tremendous update I received from Beth and Pip Black which provides a glimpse into the mindset of entrepreneurial all stars. I love seeing the accountability and the way they support one another – you can really tell this is a cohesive team operating with the goal of mutual success for all. I’m sharing this with you now in the hopes the insights we present will spark growth and teamwork within your own groups. Congratulations to Beth and Pip – and thank you for sharing this with us. Next week Beth and Pip will be joining Andrew Weissman & Cullen Haskins for a very special MAIC2021 Zoom session – stay tuned for more information on that!!! In the meantime, have a look at this great update from Beth and Pip…

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger 

Results of our Southeast Zooming to Success

This Zooming to Success series was 11 weeks instead of 12 because we knew next Monday being the recognized holiday would be tough for everyone to show up.

We had 45 – 75 people show up consistently each week however, we do know many watched the replays that were posted every week.  Results are below.  Here is what Kathryn Knapp texted us today and posted into the Facebook group:

Thank you for this group.  Although I haven’t been on live, I have listened to every recording and have absolutely loved them and found them most helpful informative and inspirational.  JR was right on the money when he described you and Pip as down to earth real people who are exceptional <3 Have a great holiday and looking forward to picking back up with you in early August!

We feel this is a testament to why we formed this group.  Our intention was to form a group that all of our SE GMTSS leaders who give of their time, could plug their groups into so all of our teams could learn from many different people’s experiences.  We chose a GMTSS leader to run each week’s call, along with 2 – 3 people who could share experiences and we would dive into those experiences to ‘dissect’ them and bring out the learning tips.  From the results and commitment level, we are grateful to see we achieved that as a GMTSS team working together for the benefit of the whole area!  We assigned someone to monitor the reporting in each week and post the results in our FB group,  we had a product story shared each week, another person who assigned a video/audio for homework and a few people who monitored and interacted in the chat area of the zoom each week.  Truly a team effort working crossline!  Super proud of everyone!!!

On average only 23 people actually reported each week and all results are based only on those who reported.  Trying to determine for next go around, how to get more people reporting (a constant effort we know!)

Total Sales over 11 weeks = $102,441

Total Exposures to the business (Part 1, Part 2, or UBPs) = 274

Total Tickets sold to a GMTSS event = 99

Average weekly sales = $9313

Thank you again for showing up this past Monday to congratulate everyone and share some words – SOOOO powerful!

Live Well,

Beth & Pip


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