Utopia IV: First Look

This past weekend was a truly special time for Loren and I as we’ve been in Italy to christen Utopia IV!!! To us this vessel is much more than a yacht. It’s the physical manifestation of a dream over two years in the making – and is proof that you can achieve anything you conceive. To some people, Utopia IV is little more than a gorgeous new yacht, but to us – it represents so much more. This is about planting the seed of an idea and nurturing it through the creative cycle until it becomes a tangible reality.

It’s really all about belief – just like the UnFranchise Business. I believe anyone can utilize achieve their dreams but you have to not only believe in yourself but you have to follow through with action. A big part of that comes from programming your brain with the right information. At World Conference I spoke at length about the importance of programming your brain and feeding it the right information that will allow you to flourish and fulfill your hopes and dreams. Here’s a quick excerpt from that presentation…

I hope this helps spark that billionth of a volt and puts you on the right path to seeing your dreams become a reality. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the images from Utopia IV because this represents a dream for Loren – and to see it manifested before our eyes is a true sight to behold which inspires us to continue to dream big! I hope it inspires you to do the same!

We made some lasting memories on Utopia III with our fiends – not to mention it was even featured in an incredible JLo video – but we can’t wait to share Utopia IV with you and start making new memories! I’ve included some images of Loren and I taking our first steps onboard Utopia IV – and I can’t wait to share this amazing yacht with our UnFranchise family!! This will take Moving Up seminars and special challenge winner events to a whole new level!!!

In addition to some christening images I’ve also included some cool pictures of the four Rolls Royce jet engines that power this beautiful machine, in addition to the space age geo-stabilizer. This setup is the first of its kind for a yacht and the only place you’ll find this outside of the Navy! Thanks to the incredible team at Rossi Navi for your hard work and utterly amazing craftsmanship. Utopia IV is simply stunning and we are looking forward to a lifetime of memories with her. We are truly blessed!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger




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