Top Online Retailers: SHOP.COM Ranks #80 in DC360 Top 500 & Top 1000

Team, I have some tremendous news to share with you regarding another massive media hit for Market America & SHOP.COM which helps solidify our place among the top online retailers. SHOP.COM just ranked #80 in Digital Commerce 360’s Top 500 & Top 1000!!! 

This is yet another massive accomplishment for us in 2022 and an achievement we share with our UnFranchise Owners. Becoming one of the world’s top online retailers has been an incredible journey and process for us, but the truth is the best is yet to come. I’m so excited to see what the future holds as we continue to thrive and evolve as a company. 

Congratulations to our UnFranchise Owners who play a vital role in our success and growth. Without you none of this is possible – thank you for your belief and commitment to sharing our products and business with the world!! I’ve included below some great image resources for you to utilize when sharing this on email and social media! 

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger 



Image Resources Celebrating SHOP.COM as one of the Top Online Retailers

Top Online Retailers: SHOP.COM Ranks #80 in Digital Commerce 360’s Top 500 & Top 1000 Top Online Retailers: SHOP.COM Ranks #80 in Digital Commerce 360’s Top 500 & Top 1000 Top Online Retailers: SHOP.COM Ranks #80 in Digital Commerce 360’s Top 500 & Top 1000 Top Online Retailers: SHOP.COM Ranks #80 in Digital Commerce 360’s Top 500 & Top 1000


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