Market America & maCares: Helping Our Furry Friends with Red Dog Farm Animal Rescue Network

I’d like to take a moment to discuss something near and dear to my heart, and something I feel reverberates with all UnFranchise Owners. It takes a generous, outgoing, and giving nature to understand and appreciate the fact that we succeed by helping others succeed – but really, this concept reaches beyond individuals and transcends into helping the world. One way Market America has been able to make a positive impact within our local community has been through our incredible partnership and support of maCares

It seems like sometimes we focus so much on empowering entrepreneurs that we forget some of the other aspects of our business which revolve around our personal connections as well as our connections within our own communities. By partnering with maCares, Market America has been able to create some amazing connections with the team at Red Dog Farm Animal Rescue Network – a local network of dedicated volunteers who go above and beyond for animals in need. 

We were honored this week by our friends from the Red Dog Farm Animal Rescue Network, who stopped by the Market America corporate headquarters in Greensboro, NC to spend some time with us and share the stories of two adorable animals who directly benefitted from our work with maCares – Ember the rabbit and Jax the lamb. It’s so heartwarming to see the positive impact we’re having stretches far beyond entrepreneurial success!

Our business is about so much more than helping people forge their own economy – it’s also about making the world a better place. A big Thank You to our friends at the Red Dog Farm Animal Rescue Network, including Executive Director, Lauren Riehle. It’s always great to see the positive impact of compassionate people! For more information about how YOU can make a difference, please visit! It’s another great way to Pay It Forward!!!

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger  


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