Community Engagement: Market America Helps Fund Cone Health Heart & Vascular Center’s Persuasive Speaker Series

We’ve always been a big believer in community outreach and engagement, and when the Cone Health Heart & Vascular Center reached out to Market America for help – Marc Ashley made sure we stepped up and answered the call.

Heart health is an extremely important aspect of health for all of us to consider, and by donating to Cone Health’s Persuasive Speaker Series, we’re giving our community the chance to engage with heart health experts and help provide them with the insights and information to live healthier lives.

Cone Health has some of the top experts in the world, and we were more than happy to do our part and help fund this vital community outreach and educational program. I’ve included below a powerful video that helps explain more about this incredible program and our amazing partnership with Cone Health.

Hats off to Marc Ashley for spearheading this endeavor and once again ensuring Market America steps up when our community needs us most! What an incredible tribute to Tina Ashley and a powerful way to make a positive impact on the community!

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger


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