The UnFranchise: Building in the UK with Bonnie Philo

One of the best parts about being an UnFranchise Owner is your ability to tap into our unique business system to build a truly global business. When you cross-pollinate and build the UnFranchise in different markets around the world you are tapping into the power of the MPCP while also helping others achieve success.

Building together as a team and helping share the UnFranchise Opportunity with new people is one of the highlights of being a UFO, and as you can see in the update below Bonnie Philo and her team have been having a blast cross-pollinating and building in the United Kingdom.

Please take a moment to read a great message I received from Bonnie over the weekend which discusses their recent success in the UK. This team is working together to build momentum from event to event –  I love seeing UFOs making it happen all across the globe so don’t hesitate to reach out to me to share your success stories too!

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger



Good evening JR and Loren!!! Every pic tells a story!

I miss the UK and England already and we are already planning on our next trip. I’ll be as short as I can but so excited for the momentum!!

Aleks arrived on 2/21 and by the time we had arrived on 2/24 she had done 3 events and 5 registrations, at a minimum. Gigi and I, Mary and Nancy travelled to Manchester and Liverpool and Luton over the next week and the last stop was London.  We had a total of 14 guests at these events….. Events including UBPs and HBPs and I received the news when we landed back in the USA on March 1 there has been a total of over 10-15 registrations, people activating, and their people now doing 2 on 1s.  Ruth Morris has just achieved Executive Coordinator level! Rebecca has just sent me a Whats App that her mom will be activating and she has no less than 5 meetings set up this week. Gigi, my dear friend and not even in my group travelled with me, got busy prior to leaving for the UK, made connections, and  had 2 guests within 4 weeks of her arriving. Just heard the great news from her! One of her guests registered yesterday and another on Sunday. We’re comin back!! And the power truly is in the HBPS whether it is an event for the business, for Motives, for health, for the Annuity…..the excitement in each room…Manchester….Luton…Liverpool….London…was electric!! People Power in each room…nothing can beat it! And the power of the Saturday event was contagious. We were humbled to be in a room of such forward thinking entrepreneurs who got it! Aleks team had over 40! We sold 200 plus tix for Dan Hearlehey. It has been just wonderful teaming with Phil and Paul (they are the best of the best) and we will continue to keep the momentum going!

Have an amazing weekend!…love you both xoxo




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