Special Edition: ELLE Taiwan Features Market America | SHOP.COM

During our recent feature with ELLE Taiwan, we offered an interesting glimpse into our lives, business, and brands which was very well received among our UFOs in Taiwan. This special edition offered an interesting glimpse into who we are, but it also discussed the UnFranchise Business and its remarkable capacity to change lives across generations. Not only is our business designed to be passed down from generation to generation, but it also helps bridge the generational gaps in our lives and strengthens our connections with one another. The way our business works and the means by which different people work together for mutual success has always been a driving force behind our grassroots popularity – and this ELLE Taiwan feature takes a deeper look at the relationships and people who drive our multigenerational success & make our business so special. 

So far, this ELLE feature has been extremely popular with UFOs – so popular that they sold 20,000 copies of the ELLE Taiwan Spring/Summer edition during last week’s MTWAC2021 convention. With such incredibly high demand, we know many people who wanted a copy couldn’t get one since they sold out so fast at the 2021 Market Taiwan Annual Convention. But fear not! You can still purchase a copy of our special edition ELLE feature by CLICKING HERE. This incredible edition of ELLE Taiwan gives some great insights into who we are and why this business is so special for people all around the world.  

Another interesting concept to ponder is the fact that the more editions we sell – the more likely that major publications will continue to connect with us and feature our business and success stories. Essentially – the better we perform, as in – the more sales of this special edition we help generate – the more collaboration opportunities will develop in the future. Not only that – but more opportunities for YOUR success stories to be featured too! This is essentially where person to person, grassroots marketing converges with mainstream media. It’s a massive opportunity for us to flex our People Power and show how we drive sales and wield our collective buying power! Get your copy of this special edition Spring/Summer ELLE Taiwan today on SHOP.COM

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger 


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