People Power: Epic Feedback from the 2022 Market Singapore Annual Convention

Team, I wanted to take a moment to share with you some tremendous feedback I received this week following the 2022 Market Singapore Annual Convention. We’ve been red hot & rolling in Asia and I’m thrilled to see all the growth and excitement surrounding Market Singapore. We offer a dynamic global entrepreneurial solution to the problems of the modern economy, and I’m honored to be in business with such passionate and committed entrepreneurs. Congratulations to the entire Market Singapore Team for creating such an empowering and inspiring event! Have a look below at the amazing feedback and update we received from Liyen Ho and a handful of inspirational UFOs who are taking their business to the next level. This is how we do it!!! If you attended MASGAC2022, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email – because I love hearing about the impact and effectiveness of our events!

Keep Growing & Congratulations to Market Singapore!

-JR Ridinger


Message from Liyen Ho

Dear JR, and Loren,

It gives me great pleasure to send my feedback to you directly, as a member of your Advisory Council. It was such a privilege and honor for us when you and Loren addressed us personally, and provided us with a Grand Opening to our Annual Convention.  It goes to say that our Founder and Co-founder think us important enough to stay up for!  What a powerful message of love and care for us, and we are humbly touched. We are grateful to have Kevin Buckman in Asia, and also for Jojo Soh, and her Corporate team, who gave us such great support, and responsible on such a well-run event!  Kudos to the team!

Everyone in Singapore is just excited that we could all come together after being in isolation in “our caves” for two years.  However, we do miss a fair proportion of our team mates who were unable to get through those doors because they are not vaccinated.  So, what we have is probably three quarters’ strength.  Nevertheless, there was great energy, and the atmosphere is described as electrifying!  There were many hugs and many tears of joy in reuniting with all whom we have been building the business with. We continued having our dinners together every night, and also many Meeting-After-Meetings to share what we’d learned, because we couldn’t get enough of one another!  lol..

We also managed to convince those who were “born” during the pandemic, and who have never been to any physical event, to come to this event.  How happy it was when they said yes! Let’s hear what they’d learned at Convention, and do note that Contribution Number 9 is a guest whom I brought to evaluate the business. This is from a small section of my team members, and I’m sure there would be many more from the rest of the field. Here’s some for representation…

MASGAC2022 Testimonials

1.  Pamela Chng (Registered in April 2021, and who bought 3 tickets for LS in Oct)

“Spending my long weekend at the MASGAC2022 was not what I was looking forward to. But it was the BEST decision that I made without regret.

I am so grateful that my seniors made me buy the ticket, and attending together makes so much sense.  Nothing can beat the electrifying energy and positive vibes that I had experienced at the convention. All the speakers were so awesome and inspiring, it was the boost that was needed to pull me out from my abyss of despair. Magic moment for me was Kevin Buckman saying, “The first person you must lead is You!” I should be held responsible for my own success and not blame on others. This is so powerful.

I already bought my 3 tickets to the Leadership school in October, really looking forward to learning and gaining more knowledge from our wonderful leaders. Thank you, JR and Loren for this awesome business. I hope I get to meet you and Loren at the Leadership school in Singapore.”

2.  Fred Wong (Registered in April 2021, and bought his 3 LS tickets for October)

It was my first Mkt Spore convention and what an eye opener for me! The atmosphere is ‘electric’ to say the least, and the speakers are first rate professionals! It’s been a while since I have heard such high calibre speakers,  who shared from their deep beliefs and passion of their hearts. The business model, is, of course, validated by all of these successful individuals, and there is something really powerful here.  It’s a business built by people who are passionate, and full of belief.  I really want to be like them, to be imprinted ( as Candice Yang shared powerfully!) and to find the leaders that I need to succeed with my team mates.

As Liyen challenged us (and she is one leader whom I admire for her great entrepreneurial mindset!), to dare to dream includes the success of others you have brought along and nurtured. A true leader is one who is willing and able to prepare a successor. In this case, I have seen no lack of such leaders at this Convention.

Kevin is awesome, and I am so inspired by his humility and authentic sharing of how he has built the business; and an authentic leader always inspires followers ! My only regret is we cannot meet JR and Loren in person. That possibility in the next Convention will be truly magical! And of course, our dear friend and inspiring leader Dennis Franks. He is greatly missed but his legacy and that of his corporate team lives on!

Carpe Diem,  Market Singapore👍💪

3.  Mabel Wong (Registered her biz April 2021, sponsored by her friend in Melbourne, and also bought 3 tickets to LS)

“We’ve learnt so much from this Convention.  It was indeed time well spent!  Now I understand why our leaders keep saying, “Buy your ticket, Buy your ticket!” A physical meeting is truly very inspiring and nothing can beat the energy and synergy! Words can’t fully express the inspiration, knowledge and friendship developed during just these two days. I’m looking forward to seeing more joining us so that we can all learn together, support and spur each other on to realise the success in this business. As it’s so often repeated at this Convention, “Success in this business is not achievable by yourself alone. This is TEAM business!”

4.  Mary Loh : Registered her business in May 2021, another Covid Baby, who bought her LS ticket for October

Thank you Market Singapore and all the leaders who has put this event together so that we can experience and learn as seeing is believing. This is my very first on-site convention, loved what I hear and what I see. The experience has been totally awesome , so different from attending an online event. Just been able to feel the excitement and the energy throughout the event really makes a difference. The weekend has reignited the spark that was almost dwindlling off in my heart. It  has made me revalidate my WHY. Grateful and thankful to the founder Jr and Loren, for your vision and giving us a platform so that ordinary people like me can dare to dream.

5.  Linda Tan

One of my favourite photos from the convention; taken before the start of a weekend of power-packed live event (April 29 to May 1, 2022)! If you look closer, you’ll see that our eyes smiling. Smiling brightly. With ❤️🔥🙏🏼 We’re smiling because we are …

❤️ happy to be together again in a live event; meeting with fellow UFOs (UnFranchise Owners)
🔥 excited to welcome COVID babies (or that’s what we call new unfranchise members who registered their unfranchise business during the pandemic)
🙏🏼 thankful we have found our way to having living security and are able to coach others to do the same!

We are proud to be ACES, with Liyen Ho trail blazing and leading the parade. Thank you JR Ridinger for the UnFranchise business opportunity.

6.  Nicole Wee – Professional Coordinator, and a most articulate speaker at Convention

It’s so so good to be back in a live event 🎉Thank you Kevin, Jo Jo and team for making it happen ❤️ I know a lot of hard work went into it. I’m so glad I said yes when invited to be part of the panel of speakers.  Not only did I have a ball of a time on stage, I learnt so much from all the selfless heartfelt sharing from each and every speaker. I’m so proud to be part of Market Singapore!!! 🤩🤩🤩 We have an amazing business and a phenomenal system to leverage on. I’m spurred on  to build build and build!!!! 💪💪💪 Only thing missing is you, JR and Loren being here physically.  I wonder if my wish will come true soon… 💕💕💕

7.  Jessica Lee Chen

These 2 years of lull period seem quiet and calm. It is this Convention that brought us all back in a big way! The newbies had a live experience of what the senior partners spoke about the past 2 years, ie the spirit of all the conventions. The event was so full of exuberance and vitality that it made us realise how much we missed it. Not forgetting to mention the business is still going strong and helping people with income and health amidst this difficult period. And it is surely going to be stronger and more inspiring for all of us! Thank you JR and Loren and the whole team!

8.  Charlene Hui (our TLS Coach and Speaker at Convention)

Grateful for Conventions and especially our very own local on-site one! First one after 2 years. It is heart-warming to see everyone coming together to continue the work on our dreams and goals. Field leaders deliver training contents so crucially apt for the endemic. It just puts us back on a whole new momentum, just what we need now. JR and Loren, thank you for showing us the way – your dedication and leading us the way you do, you  empowered us in a big way…I want to say thank you! Love you all ❤️ too! Looking forward to the next convention!

9.  From Eve Fan, a Gen Y Guest whom I brought to Convention to evaluate the business…

She got up to the stage when challenged to share what she had seen and learned. And Jojo said it was the first time she had a Guest volunteering to share on stage… Eve said on Sunday morning that she is inspired by our community of entrepreneurs.  She comes from a background of Field Development, and she has not seen such a group of people who work closely together with COLLABORATION!  She’s impressed with the speakers, the leaders, and the people!

10.  Anu Chia

Our first live meeting… on-site, not on zoom, not a webinar but truly in the flesh! What an awesome opening night on Friday, 29 April and the following 2 full days at the Singapore Expo. It was truly amazing to meet our teammates and our cross-team biz partners, after 2 long years. I was so excited just like everyone else who attended.

I couldn’t thank enough our high-calibre speakers who have shown such professionalism and delivered so articulately. They truly imbued MA’s core values and each speaker, whether solo, as a duo or in the panel discussion, imparted consistently in their messaging about following the system and putting in the time and effort to realise our dreams and through teamwork. Every speaker laid out in simple terms what it takes to be successful in our biz. A big thank you to Mr Kevin Buckman on the opening night UBP and for your closing which taught us many salient points and for being candid as always.

JR and Loren Ridinger, your opening was so inspiring. It was heart warming and we just love the passion that you have for the biz and how much you want each of us to succeed. We can’t wait to have you with us in Singapore. We heard you JR, we want to see you in Singapore.

A big thank you to Kevin and Jojo and team and the committee for bringing the Market Singapore Annual Convention 2022 as a live event and the accomplished team of speakers. And I am fully recharged.❤️❤️




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