#MTWLS2018: Market Taiwan Leadership School

One thing I love about our business is the fact that the entrepreneurial spirit we have for the UnFranchise is share by different UFOs around the world. Ours is a global business connected by our collective buying power and our desire to help people convert spending into earning with the Shopping Annuity. Our business stretches across borders and across oceans and reinforces the fact that we are all connected, and when we work together – that’s when magic really happens.

This weekend saw its fair share of magic moments as thousands of entrepreneurs came together to learn, grow, and celebrate at the 2018 Market Taiwan Leadership School. This event is all about empowering others and making UnFranchise success a reality for everyone. A special thanks to Kevin Buckman, Anthony Kwan, Stacy Tung, Johnny Huang, and all our Market Taiwan leaders who helped make this special event so effective and inspirational.

As you can see from the pictures I’ve included below, this was an absolutely massive event and a tremendous learning opportunity for everyone in attendance. #MTWLS2018 has the propensity to change your life but you have to apply what you learned here to really make it happen! Congratulations to everyone who attended – now let’s use this event to build momentum for our upcoming 2019 Market America World Conference in Miami!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger



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