The Shopping Annuity Has Landed

History records the constant process of changing the world. In the last century, what the world thought of as impossible – has repeatedly become reality and a way of life – and more often than not – it’s taken for granted. In my life time I have seen the world change dramatically. In the past five years, there have been more world changing advances created than there were in the 1000 years before. Think about the last century:

  • Edison and the electric light bulb – lighting the world and giving rise to electric power generation everywhere.
  • An Affordable Automobile in every household – giving rise to roads and gas stations.
  • Telegraph to Telephones to cell phones; to smart phones in every hand.
  • Computers more powerful than main frames in every house.
  • Global connection in real time over the internet and web.
  • All the knowledge in the word at our fingertips with Google.
  • Everyone being connected through Social Media, and more powerful than traditional TV and news.
  • With online shopping disrupting and replacing brick and mortar.

At the time of conception and birth they all seemed like science fiction and from outer space. My motto has always been “Dream and think big as you will never be bigger than your thoughts and dreams.”

I have always been a dreamer and visionary-  with forward looking thinking –  that is often before its time and way out there. I see what is possible when others see it as impossible.  My thinking and life mission reflects the words of George Bernard Shaw — ‘There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?’

Whether it be reinventing direct sales with binary marketing and the MPCP, or the steps along the way in its evolution – such as requirements, BV and IBV, the GMTSS –  people thought I was crazy. I was viewed as way out there. Most UFO’s and the world think I am crazy or from outer space at first.  Not until it is done and realized as a way of life – do they accept it as great.

The response I get is “Here he goes again!  He has lost his mind and has gone into orbit.” “Come down to earth JR.” It’s the way one thinks that is truly space age or from outer space. You see – we are what some would call a disruptor.  A disruptor is a company or person that changes the traditional way an industry operates – especially in a new and very effective way.

Certainly that was the case when we created the binary system and the MPCP – creating a new paradigm never possible before. Its power and the benefits of this revolutionary tracking system have yet to be fully recognized or utilized! Now The Shopping Annuity is the culmination of that and the concept allows us and average people to create our own economy.

When I was growing up there was a cliché often used that ‘you have as much chance of doing that as putting a man on the moon.’  The world always had a fascination with space as it stretched the imagination – as unreasonable as it was, thus the cliché: that’s like from outer space.

Yet it was done – – – giving way to a whole new world.

NASA scientists, in the process of going to the moon, pioneered more than 6,300 technologies during their bid to understand space that are now routinely used in day-to-day life.  A few of which include:  Integrated circuitry and the computer microchip, High resolution digital satellite TV, the Cat Scanner, and the joystick.

It is more interesting that the real benefits of these accomplishments were not realized by the generation in which it occurred, but by the next generation and those to come. I recognize the same may be true of the Shopping Annuity – as the next generation will reap the benefits as it becomes a way of life – and they leverage the possibilities of being able to create their own economy and sub economies.

In 1984 I was enamored by envisioning and testing computerized marketing – before the internet and with the thought that there was a better way – and people laughed at me. The notion that people hate to be sold, but love to buy, was undeniable and a technology allowing for that would be paradigm shifting and world changing.

If it were not plausible, it would be passed off as frivolous fantasy, but the concept of digital aggregation screamed that it was logical and possible, like going to the moon. If you knew what everyone wanted to buy, you could identify the commonalties, find or make the product, add value to it at a better price, eliminate inventory, advertising, logistics, and provide it to each individual, while treating each different where they could buy whatever they wanted differently as well.

Three decades have passed and the technologies and systems are in my hands to make that a reality today. The Genesis of MA is a simple thought – that we became possessed by and that which transforms into possible world changing concepts.

There were many reasons motivating the goal of going to outer space and to the moon for America and President Kennedy that are unimportant in hindsight, but it was not solely to go to the moon for the sake of it. On May 25, 1961 President John F Kennedy came from ‘outer space’ and at the risk of unparalleled global embarrassment, proclaimed in his Speech before a Joint Session of Congress “ In this decade we will put a man on the moon”

Simply Preposterousand crazy!

But, It was not without reason and logic. He consulted with and hired the greatest scientist of the time, Wernher von Braun, who he asked if it was possible to put a man on the moon and what it took to do it. His answer was YES it was possible and 5 words as to what it took: “The will to do it”

Our thinking and model are indeed revolutionary and out there in outer space. But it is an idea whose time has come and we are bringing from outer space to earth to change the world. The next generation will make it a way of life and again will probably be taken for granted. Generating supplemental income from spending and shopping for average people will be a way of life and our Legacy as we create our own economies and change the world.

We are bringing it from outer space to earth right now.

The Shopping Annuity has landed…


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