MAWC2019: The Imprinting Analogy

Day Two of MAWC2019 was simply phenomenal, with magic moments, important updates, and teaching moments that will have a massive impact on the success and growth of your UnFranchise. I hope my talk on Imprinting was effective in communicating the importance of duplicating the right practices and strategies within your organization. The V-formation that geese fly in is scientifically proven to be more efficient, and allows the flock to fly 70% further than a goose could alone.

That same principle applies to our business and the binomial format unique to the UnFranchise. When you prime the pumps correctly and duplicate with that same v-formation, and they all work together synergistically to help the entire organization grow faster and more efficient than it ever could otherwise. Each goose has clear vision of the skies ahead, while also receiving an aerodynamic boost. Nature found the perfect design for this, and we’ve essentially built the same type of ecosystem with the UnFranchise.

Just remember this. As each goose flaps its wings, it creates uplift reducing friction for the birds that follow. The binomial structure is the most efficient in both flight dynamics as well as the mathematics behind our business. UnFranchise Owners all have a common leg and build in depth – and it takes two legs to get there. Our common goal is success and our vested economic interest. The only question is at this point, are you a chicken, a duck, or a goose?

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger





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