The Uberization of the Shopping Annuity

Anyone who attended World Conference remembers me speaking at length about the Uberization of the Shopping Annuity. This essentially means the Shopping Annuity will continue to become easier and more convenient – to the point that it becomes an addictive service (much like Uber) that you can’t do without. Everything we do is geared towards making the Shopping Annuity bigger, better, and easier to utilize for this very reason.

Eventually you’ll be able to do the Shopping Annuity Assessment then practically push a button to get the goods and services you need to ensure you’re converting your spending into earning. We’re getting closer and closer to that reality each day. With our digital aggregation and tracking system, we’re able to match product to people and people to product like never before – meaning the Shopping Annuity is poised for tremendous growth in the digital age.

As the Shopping Annuity becomes more effortless and efficient, it’s going to continue to grow and spread exponentially until we have an entire arena full of Directors. Of this I have no doubt. That’s just how confident I am in the Shopping Annuity and your ability to wield your power as a consumer.

The company Uber essentially came out of nowhere to become the largest taxi company in the world – and they don’t even own a single taxi. I see the same growth potential with the Shopping Annuity because just like Uber it represents a giant leap in thought and a paradigm shift that’s changing the world. Just think what will happen when the Shopping Annuity grows to the point that it’s second nature and almost effortless to accomplish! To learn more about the Uberization of the Shopping Annuity, have a look at the following video which includes part of my keynote address at World Conference!

Share the following video with your team and help me fill an arena with Directors!

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger






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