TLS Trim Tea Now Available for Pre-Order

When TLS Trim Tea debuted the public reaction was absolutely incredible! It’s rare that the demand for a new product is so high that all of our shipments sold out before they even arrived. This demand shows we’ve really developed a tremendous product, so we want to do everything we can to help our customers and UnFranchise Owners try TLS Trim Tea for themselves.

To help meet the astounding demand for TLS Trim Tea, SHOP.COM and are now accepting pre-orders!!! This is something we’ve never done as a company before but we decided to do pre-orders after listening to your feedback on social media and emails. We wanted to be proactive about the tremendous demand for TLS Trim Tea while helping more people experience this amazing new product.

TLS Trim Tea is the hottest product on the market – WHY? Because it works and people experience and become enthusiastic about it like Thermochrome in the old days. The demand is so high for Trim Tea that we simply can’t get it in fast enough. It’s a great problem to have, but a problem nonetheless…

The solution for UFOs is to pre-order your TLS Trim Tea RIGHT NOW so you and your group are 1st in line and ahead of the rest. If you and everyone in your group anticipates and invests in a little inventory that is sure to sell, you can leverage the phenomenal demand for TLS Trim Tea and generate huge volume and sales!

TLS Trim Tea Pre-Orders will be fulfilled on a first come, first served basis – so SHOP NOW!  Please keep in mind all Pre-Orders will be shipped toward the end of November through the middle of December. UnFranchise owners who place their orders first, will get their orders first – Happy Shopping!

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger



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