Strategic Planning 2014

This was an extremely important week for us as we met with our amazing team of corporate leaders at our 2014 Strategic Planning in Miami. This is such a crucial event for us because it’s a time where we all come together to develop the strategies and initiatives that will help UnFranchise Owners build tremendous success in 2015. Overall it was a great week with extremely productive meetings as we discussed our goals and objectives – then defined a clear plan of action to help us accomplish these goals.

I suggest that each UnFranchise Owner take this time to do a bit of Strategic Planning as well by meeting with your team and reviewing your goals for the coming year. This is a great week for you to assess where your UnFranchise Business stands, and to determine what actions you need to take to help ensure that you and your team are on the right path! Take some time this weekend to work with your team to develop a plan of action for 2015 – you will not regret it!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger


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