The Shopping Annuity: Information Hub

The Shopping Annuity is a crucial concept that allows smart shoppers and savvy UnFranchise Owners to convert their spending into earning with SHOP.COM. Unlike a typical annuity from a bank, you don’t need a massive sum of money to invest – your investment is what you are already spending on everyday purchases! When you make those purchases from your own SHOP.COM, you’re feeding your Shopping Annuity and getting paid to shop. In light of the Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool program, we decided to put together some helpful videos and a brand new infographic to better explain this concept.

Infographic: Convert Spending into Earning

This is a fantastic resource that we encourage you all to leverage when explaining the Shopping Annuity to your team and customers. To download your own copy, click HERE. Make sure to share this across your social media channels to let everyone you know just how easy it is to convert spending into earning with the Shopping Annuity from SHOP.COM! You’ll also find links to some incredible video resources below…


Video Resources:





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