Shopping Annuity: Holiday Shopping with Santa and Loren

This weekend Loren and I made some fun Shopping Annuity Videos to show you just how easy it is to convert spending into earning by playing Santa this year with SHOP.COM! With holiday shopping in full swing this is the perfect time to capitalize on the Shopping Annuity by leveraging our tremendous buying power! I encourage every UFO to play Santa this year and to help your friends, family, and customers find the perfects gifts on SHOP.COM!

Have a look below at these fun videos – and be sure to share them on social media with your own messages to help inspire others to make the most of the Shopping Annuity this holiday season. Create fun videos like this on your own to help create a buzz about your business! It’s a great way to have fun while also showing off some of the many benefits of shopping on SHOP.COM!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger


Christmas Lists on SHOP.COM


Save Santa Money by putting your list on SHOP.COM


Save Santa Money with the Shopping Annuity and SHOP.COM



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