Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool and Plan of Action

There is up to 20 million BV and 10 million IBV up for grabs in the Shopping Annuity® Bonus Pool (SABP) running Oct. 1 to Dec. 31. Organize your team to leverage this available BV and IBV by maximizing the number of your team members qualifying for the pool. To qualify for the SABP:

  1. Complete the Shopping Annuity Assessment. (Coming soon.)
  2. Complete the online Shopping/Home Advisor during the respective bonus pool calendar quarter. (Previous completion will not count.)
  3. Download, install, log into and use ShopBuddy™ on your computer. (If you currently have ShopBuddy installed, make sure to visit a Partner Store and click a coupon. No purchase necessary.)
  4. Order at least 1,500 BV worth of Home Country products between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31. All orders must be paid for by the qualifying UnFranchise® Owner (UFO) using their nine-digit UnFranchise ID.
  5. Accumulate at least US$3,000.00 (CAN$3,200.00) in Partner Store orders from your Home Country between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31 with the following breakdown:
    • First, at least US$1,500.00* (CAN$1,600.00) in purchases must be made with the qualifying UFO’s Personal Preferred Customer ID (seven-digit number) being the paying ID.
    • Second, the remaining balance of the US$3,000.00 (CAN$3,200.00) total for the respective quarter may be made up from purchases made by your registered Preferred Customers or yourself.

NOTE: All returns will be deducted and reconciled against totals. There will be an 8- to 12-week reconciliation period following the end of the quarter prior to bonus BV and IBV being awarded.

* All orders in excess of the US$1,500.00 (CAN$1,600.00) criteria made by the qualifying UFO will roll over toward the SABP for subsequent quarters, provided that the UFO met all five bonus pool criteria.

What’s in it for you and your team?

Each UFO who qualifies for the SABP will:

  • Be awarded a share of the BV and IBV that is in the pool based on the number of qualifying UFOs.
  • Be awarded 50 BV and 25 IBV for every one of their personally sponsored UFOs who qualify for the SABP.
  • Be eligible to earn the new US$600.00 Management Bonus in the IBV Management Performance Compensation Plan (MPCP) during the next 12 weeks on each Business Development Center (BDC) with 10 UFOs who qualify for the SABP in its left organization and 10 who qualify in its right organization.

Plan of Action

  • Hold a coring with your entire team and review the Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool Criteria as well as the rewards for qualifying. Remind everyone that the ultimate objective is to become a product of the products that they sell, which will result in the sale of additional products to their customers. This in turn increases the ongoing generation of BV and IBV that flows throughout the larger organization. “We sell more of what we use!”
  • Order at least 1,500 BV during the period. Get all team members at the coring to identify every ma®-branded product they could or would use in a 12-week period (i.e. calendar quarter) in their household. Think quarterly versus monthly. Make sure all products used monthly are on UnFranchise AutoShip. Any BV in excess of your 50, 100 or 150 should be assigned to BDCs below in accordance with downline placement policy so that it can be accrued toward earning commissions.
  • Review with team members all of the products they identified they would only use once or twice every 12 weeks, then schedule their ordering to maximize the amount of products being ordered for the quarter. Have each team member total all of the BV for that quarter.
  • If a team member’s total BV does not meet the 1,500 BV criteria, develop a strategy to make up the balance. Strategies to consider include, but are not limited to, additional sales to existing customers, securing new customers or giving products that have BV values as gifts during the upcoming holiday season (use as an advertising expense).
  • Make sure all team members place BV for these orders in the 002 or 003 BDCs of personally sponsored UFOs who are working to qualify for the SABP. UFOs qualifying for the SABP will be awarded 50 BV and 25 IBV for all personally sponsored UFOs who qualify.
  • Accumulate at least US$3,000.00 (CAN$3,200.00) in Partner Store orders. Remind team members that all personal purchases in excess of US$1,500.00 (CAN$1,600.00) will roll over toward meeting this same criteria for the SABP in subsequent quarters, provided that you have met the overall US$3,000.00 (CAN$3,200.00) order requirement for the quarter. So all team members need to maximize all purchases from their household using their Personal Preferred Customer ID (seven-digit number). Make sure all household members use this ID number and shop solely on the UFO’sSHOP.COM site.
  • Get all team members to make lists for upcoming purchases for this quarter including, but not limited to, major purchases such as appliances and electronics, holiday and anniversary gifts, etc.
  • Make a list of all Preferred Customers and develop promotions such as ma-branded product gifts or discounts for purchasing through your SHOP.COM website during the holiday season.

General Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool rules

  • Progress can be measured by going to > My Organization > Reports > Management > Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool.
  • Bonus BV/IBV will be awarded approximately 10 weeks after the end of the quarter to allow for reporting and reconciliation of international Partner Store purchases.
  • Bonus BV/IBV will be distributed in four equal weekly increments. The qualifying UFO will have 48 hours to place the bonus BV/IBV or will default to automatic BV/IBV placement designated by the UFO in their UnFranchise Business Account.
  • Only UFOs who qualified for the SABP will accrue bonus BV/IBV awarded to UFOs below or bonus BV/IBV placed below them. Awarded bonus BV/IBV will NOT be accrued by MPCP-qualified UFOs who did not qualify for the SABP.



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