Ramp Up Your Networking

The maWebCenters Team has got some great advice to help network like a pro by leveraging social media to establish connections and build relationships with new contacts. These are great tips for building your business in the digital age, so be sure to apply these techniques to your own business building initiatives:


Have you ever wanted to meet someone for business, but could never find the right time or place to approach them? There’s a networking tactic you can use that adds a personal touch to meeting someone. Ask for an introduction.

First, check social media sites to see if the person you hope to meet knows somebody already acquainted with you. Contact the person you know and say you would like to do business with the prospect, and could a meeting at an upcoming event be arranged?

When the person you know contacts your prospect, you’ve instantly gained a good endorsement, and you’re ahead of the game. An introduction of this sort gives you credibility and  makes you stand out. You’ve already proved to the prospect that others trust you and you are worth his or her time.

Another good networking strategy is to DO a good favor before you ASK for a favor. Doing a good favor for someone shows them they will benefit from forming a relationship with you.

The favor doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. Small gestures like forwarding an interesting article or introducing someone to a possible business prospect go a long way.

Just be careful not to ask someone to return the favor right away. That can make the whole process backfire. Instead build up a long list of people with who you’ve established a positive relationship. When the time is right, you will reap your rewards.


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