Keep Growing with JR: The Cocoon

Welcome to my new biweekly program of personal coaching, tips, and mini leadership training messages called “Keep Growing with JR.” This video series will help you understand my perspective with personal thoughts and insights regarding success and the things that help us grow as individuals.

The videos will generally be quick and to the point, with most of them running less than ten minutes – although they may vary in length from one minute to fifteen minutes depending on the topic at hand. I hope these videos help serve as guidance and motivation for everyone interested in tapping into their full potential while helping others do the same.

You’ll find the first video in this new series below, titled The Cocoon – which is not only a symbol of metamorphosis, but also a catalyst for growth. The challenges we face not only mold and define who we are but also make us stronger in the end. I would love to hear your thoughts on this video so feel free to leave me a comment below!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger







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