How To Monitor Your Social Impact

Do you have TwitterFacebook, or a Blog but just not sure how to monitor or feel what’s the use? Don’t get overwhelmed there are many tools that can make it easier to manage. There are tools just to help monitor mentions of you, your products or your brand on the Web. Set up Google Alert and Google Blog Alerts to be notified via e-mail whenever your brand are discussed online. is a similar monitoring service that will send you alerts whenever you’re mentioned on Twitter.

There are a variety of toolbars and applications exist that can make it very easy for you to update your social presence too. For instance if you use in allows you to update numerous social media sites simply by posting a message in a single place. There are even applications such as TweetLater and Adjix that allow you to schedule Twitter updates in advance. TweetDeck and Seesmic Desktop allow you to better monitor and update your Twitter account from your computer or mobile device.

New tools are being developed all the time. Try some of them out. They can make your social media activities considerably more efficient and effective.

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger



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