Forget Unemployment, Employment is the Problem!

We often hear about our nation’s unemployment rate, but there’s another stat that we need to address as a nation if we are truly going to spark this sluggish economy. Known as the Employment-Population Ratio, this number has remained stagnant for some time – and represents a clear indication that our nation’s economy needs a boost!

Many economists consider the employment-population ratio to be a better indicator of the job market than the unemployment rate, because the unemployment rate fails to account for the millions of Americans who’ve left the workforce entirely – whether they are in school, retired, or simply gave up looking for work altogether.

As it stands now, the United States’ Employment-Population Ratio sits at 58.6% – A THIRTY YEAR LOW!

In essence, the employment –population ratio helps paint the big picture – and shows just how stagnant our economy has been the past few years. As you can see in this graph from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the labor force is hovering around levels we haven’t seen since the early 1980s. Sure, there’s been some job growth – but that’s barely kept up with our natural population growth. In essence, the job market in this country is utterly stagnant!


In an economy this shaky, and a job market this stagnant, don’t you think it would be wise to form a Plan B? For years I’ve spoken about the utter futility in wasting your life away making someone else rich as you toil away for 45 years at a “job.” In the end, working for someone else only makes them rich, and leaves you worn out like a hamster on a treadmill.

Entrepreneurs don’t wait for economic conditions to improve – they take command and improve the conditions themselves. And that’s exactly what we do at Market America. Our proven UnFranchise Business system empowers everyday people to help them forge lasting entrepreneurial success!

Don’t wait for the sluggish job market to turn around! Turn it around yourself by being at International Convention and arming yourself with the tools of success! Now more than ever – it’s become clear that the 45 year plan isn’t working. So join us, and make 2013 the year you take control of your economic destiny!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger

new opportunity


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