Finding Great Deals Using our Holiday Shopping Hashtag

The holiday shopping season is almost here, and our social media team has come up with a great way to help you and your customers utilize social media to find all the best deals on SHOP.COM! We’re making it easy to follow all of SHOP.COM’s great deals on social media by using this hashtag: #shopcomholidays.

You can use our holiday hashtag on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to help you follow the conversation and stay up to date on all the latest holiday deals from SHOP.COM. Adding this hashtag to the end of your social media messaging is also a great way to attract new customers to your SHOP.COM portal!

You’ll find this hashtag on all our holiday shopping messaging on social media, so don’t forget to add it to your messaging as well! It makes it so easy to follow the conversation and connect with new people, so add #shopcomholidays to your social media posts and start reaching new people today!

If you’ve got great ideas on how to utilize this hashtag, share them with me by leaving a comment!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger


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