Fat Joe and The Bishop are Building in NYC

I’d like to share with you a few pictures from great meetings in the Bronx last night with Fat Joe, Bishop Jordan, Andrew Weissman and Kevin Buckman. This incredible team of entrepreneurs were on hand for two great meetings in New York last night – helping to build on all the tremendous momentum after International Convention.

What’s cool about last night’s events was the fact that Fat Joe finished up a great UBP then came over to support Bishop Jordan and his incredible group. Teamwork is what this business is all about! Not many businesses in the world can unite Rap Legends with Bishops to help people learn how to level the playing field by building their own economy!

The passion that Fat Joe and Bishop Jordan have for the business carries over into everyone they meet, and inspires everyone to go the extra mile for their UnFranchise Business! With Andrew Weissman and Kevin Buckman on hand, this all-star team really rocked the house last night in the Bronx and Manhattan! So proud of the team!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger


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