End of the Quarter: Staying Current with Inventory Management

With the end of the quarter here, now is the perfect time to drill down for a quick refresher on staying current with Inventory Management. Jim Winkler & Scott Grogan put together an excellent short video that provides some great insights and helps answer many of the questions you may have. Even if you’re familiar with this it never hurts to have a quick refresher! 

This video ultimately helps you and your team stay up to date with your Inventory Management at the end of the quarter. This is simple to accomplish and only takes a few minutes, yet is an important part of being an UnFranchise Owner. 

Share this video with your team and be sure to review it yourself so you’re on-point when it comes to your Inventory Management at the end of the quarter. Remember – today (3/31) is the last day of the quarter so doing this should be a top priority!

Keep Growing!


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