Empowering UnFranchise Owners Around the World with Zoom and YouTube

Helping our global family of entrepreneurs during these challenging times is a top priority for Market America and our corporate team. We’ve put together an excellent lineup of Zoom webinars which allow everyone to learn, grow, and stay productive even as we all adapt to concepts like social distancing and self-isolation.

As you can see in your UnFranchise business account, we have banners which highlight our upcoming Zoom sessions plus replays of past sessions. This feature is live on UnFranchise.com in all countries, so UnFranchise Owners around the globe have the ability to stay connected and turn this challenging time into one of opportunity and growth by utilizing key Zoom sessions. 

In conjunction with that, I’d like to share some great news to help everyone around the world learn and grow with our new Zoom sessions by utilizing a key feature on YouTube. While we stream live on Zoom and Facebook, our video team always loads these webinars up on YouTube as well, usually within a day of the original live broadcast. You can CLICK HERE to access our YouTube Playlist which houses all of these empowering online trainings & Zoom sessions. 

What’s really great about uploading these videos on YouTube is that it gives us access to YouTube’s excellent subtitle feature & algorithm which does a really solid job of generating subtitles/closed captioning for these videos in a wide variety of languages. This makes it easy for our global UnFranchise family to learn and grow with these powerful webinars no matter where you live or what language you speak! 

It’s all about removing the barriers to success and educating & empowering entrepreneurs on a global scale – so be sure to share the following information with your teams! I’ve included below a quick tutorial video along with a step-by-step guide to Activating the Subtitle Feature in YouTube. This is a truly powerful feature on YouTube, and I suggest everyone use this for our corporate training webinars and Zoom sessions on YouTube. As you can see below, it’s easy to set up!!!

How to turn on Subtitles in the YouTube player:

  • Click on the YouTube video link you want to open and play
  • Click on the “CC” icon (Closed Captioning/Subtitles) in the YouTube player to turn on the subtitle function.  The subtitles should then appear in ENGLISH.
  • Click on the “Settings” icon to the right of the “CC” icon.  It looks like a small wheel.
  • Select Subtitles – English (auto-generated)
  • Then select Auto Translate.
  • Then select your preferred language.

I’ve included a quick screencap video to give you a basic clickthrough to see how it’s done…


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