Build and Grow: Upcoming Local Seminar in London

Team, you’ve got a tremendous opportunity to leverage a powerful Local Seminar in London next month with Carl Eklund. This is an excellent chance for you to build and grow in the UK with a brilliant entrepreneur as Mr. Shopping Annuity himself hosts this empowering training where you’ll have the chance to learn more about the Shopping Annuity, Evaluation Approach, how to conduct effective follow-ups, and how to duplicate success! This is a critical training opportunity for those in the United Kingdom, and I urge everyone to share this with your contacts in the area and help spread the word about this great event! Below you’ll find all the info you need to capitalize on this Local Seminar in London with Carl Eklund!  

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger 

London Local Seminar

  • Date: Saturday, 5 Oct.
  • Time: 9:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Price: £25.00 per UnFranchise® Owner or three tickets for £60.00!
  • Guest speakers: Carl T. Eklund, Director
  • Place: Market U.K. Training Centre, Salisbury House, 5 Cranmer Road, SW9 6EJ
  • Contact: For more information, please email

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