Market United Kingdom: Growing with the Shopping Annuity in Manchester

I recently received an incredible update from Phil Guido in the UK, sharing some great news from Manchester. As you can see in Phil’s message below, the UK is red hot and rolling! Congratulations to the UFOs of Market United Kingdom who’re building momentum and making it happen! So proud of everyone here contributing to this team effort!

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger




I am so excited about the growth of Market United Kingdom in MANCHESTER, ENGLAND!!!! I arrived here on a train from London on Monday and went straight into an ECCT from 4 to 10PM which was necessitated by some UFO’s who have commissions on hold because they are growing so fast! (good problem to have) Then today we held a UBP presented by Field Vice President, Sue Guido, which was attended by more people than the UBP in London earlier in the week. This is significant because Manchester has had very little support, so the tremendous showing at the UBP was quite surprising. Bottom line: MANCHESTER is on the map and looks to be a hotbed of activity for Market UK. Congratulations to Alex Cummings (from Florida) for filling the room with UFO’s and guests. We had people in attendance who traveled from Liverpool, Burnley and as far away as Leeds and York. The word is out, there is a buzz about, the company with the #shopping annuity is here in the UK, and people are coming to check it out.


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