A Very Important Message for the Market America Team

Dear Market America Team,

Let me get one thing perfectly straight: contrary to a former UFO’s ridiculous speculation in a social media post yesterday, Loren and I are not “selling the company.”  To “the Chinese” or anybody else for that matter!  We are in this—with you—for the long haul.  And you know I come from good genes, as my parents lived well into their 90’s, I do yoga, run two miles and take Isotonix and OPC-3 every day!

I don’t keep secrets from you. You may recall that I emphatically turned down several offers to sell the company before. I even addressed 21,000 UFO’s at past conventions on it passionately. Here is the video:

As I stated, then, ‘it is not about money and I love doing this too much, besides, it is not mine to sell because the UFO’s are the company and stakeholders and cannot be sold.’ I then gave the investment banker who was making the proposal a “brain spanking” and offered him a chance to become a UFO!

This is a mission, not a company, and a mission is not for sale! Loren and I have been, and remain, “all in.”  As I told you at International Convention in August, this is the most exciting time in the 24 year history of Market America.  The shopping annuity will change lives! When I walked the tightrope and pushed that wheelbarrow over the stage at Convention, I asked you all to believe, and get in the wheelbarrow with me.  Let’s go!

Together we will make this the best chapter in our book.  Please continue to ignore the ramblings and rumblings from a few disillusioned folks who probably can’t build an organization now without poaching from others—don’t let their preposterous rumors create fear, uncertainty, and doubt where none exists. Thanks for your continued support.

Keep Growing!
-JR Ridinger


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